Today the volunteers from the colonia came through in full force. One of the women who had been unable to come on Tuesday had rounded up two other women and their children and met us at Pastor Ubence's church, ready to work. In total there were three women and about ten children. We were also fortunate to have the help of one of the older boys from the photography group. We all met up at around 9am and headed to the site of the 2nd check dam, which we decided to place about a hundred feet above the first dam. We started by explaining the steps involved in constructing the dam, discussed safety, and then dove into our work. Within a few hours the volunteers and their children had rounded up most of the rocks we would need and the ditch had been cleared out to make room for the rocks. With the sun beat down upon us, we made numerous trips to the two pulperias (convenience stores) across the street from us to by water and other refreshments. The team learned the precise method for filling plastic baggies full of drinks, tying a knot in them in just the right spot, and biting off one corner of the baggie to get at the delicious liquid inside. We were again grateful to Ricardo's pulperia for storing our tools in his home/shop and loaning us the large steel pipe that we used to bend the rebar. We were also grateful for the drinks he provided to the team and volunteers.
The rock shown above was stubborn and unwilling to move, but with pick axes, crowbars, and a lot of effort the team and volunteers were able to overcome its strength. The space left behind was refilled with a much larger rock, which would help to reinforce the sides of the dam.
By around 130pm the group and team had completed the project. We all felt extremely proud as we gathered around to take this photo. Afterwards, we gave a bag with rice, beans, plantains, salt, and manteca vegetal (vegetable lard) to each family represented. The women told us that they enjoyed learning how to build the dam and made sure we had their phone numbers stored in our phone, emphasizing that they were at our disposal if we ever needed them.
It was a good day.